There are many ways to support our mission. Contact us to find out more about volunteer opportunities, fundraising events, and ways you can get spread our message to your friends, family and co-workers..
P.O. Box 100592, Fort Worth, TX 76185
What is the mission of the Fleener Family Foundation?
The Fleener Family Foundation is a public charity designated as a 501c3 (application pending) dedicated to the health and well-being of women and children.
How can I donate to the Fleener Family Foundation?
Donations can be securely made by clicking the "donate now" button on any page.
Is my donation to the Fleener Family Foundation tax deductible?
Yes, all gift contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.
What is the Fleener Family Foundation EIN?
What is the Fleener Family Foundation 501C3 Status?
The status is pending. Per IRS, donations may be accepted and will be retroactively tax deductible when status is official. All donations over $250 will receive written acknowledgement from the Foundation.
I am working with another cold cap company, can you help me?
We are currently only working with Warrior Caps, LLC but could expand in the future if other cold cap companies provide the same discounted / no cost caps.
I need help paying my medical bills, can you help?
We do not make payments to individuals, but there are agencies who can help you. If you need help locating one, please let us know and we will find you a starting point.
Do you donate / sponsor events?
We will look at each opportunity individually and how it meets our criteria of giving for the health and well-being of women and children.
Sign up to receive updates on our program and events.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals.